
Martina Minárechová , Junior Sales Manager at Slovak Health Spa Piestany, Inc.;

Bilateral Meetings

  • 24.10.2014 Friday (09:20 am - 09:40 am)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (09:40 am - 10:00 am)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (10:00 am - 10:20 am)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (10:20 am - 10:40 am)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (11:00 am - 11:20 am)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (11:20 am - 11:40 am)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (11:40 am - 12:00 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (12:00 pm - 12:20 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (15:20 pm - 15:40 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (15:40 pm - 16:00 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (16:00 pm - 16:20 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (16:20 pm - 16:40 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (16:40 pm - 17:00 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (17:00 pm - 17:20 pm)
  • 24.10.2014 Friday (17:20 pm - 17:40 pm)

Health Spa Piešťany - Paradise for body and soul
Slovak Health Spa Piešťany has belonged to the leading European spas for more than 100 years for its treatment of rheumatism, rehabilitation of the locomotor system and the nervous system. The curative sulphur mud together with thermal mineral water is absolutely unique. Spa Island is an oasis of peace and relaxation, but also of recovery through active sport. Each of the internationally-recognized 2-5-star spa hotels offers its own rehabilitation centre.
Natural Health Spa Smrdáky - expert for your skin

Country: Slovakia

Organization Type: thermal spas, natural spas

Phone: +421337752522


City: Piešťany 921 29,Winterova 29 Google map

Areas of Activities

Natural spas


    Various spa packages; over 60 different treatments; thermal sulphur water, sulphur mud; 5*-2* hotels

    Slovak Health Spa Piestany, Inc. offers accommodation in hotels from 5* to 2* category. We provide different spa packages - medical or preventive and over 60 different treatments.